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JPC provides 3 standard ways of initialising the activities: a feedforward pass, randomly, or using an amortised network.

jpc.init_activities_with_ffwd(model: PyTree[typing.Callable], input: ArrayLike, skip_model: Optional[PyTree[Callable]] = None) -> PyTree[Array] ¤

Initialises layers' activity with a feedforward pass \(\{ f_\ell(\mathbf{z}_{\ell-1}) \}_{\ell=1}^L\) where \(\mathbf{z}_0 = \mathbf{x}\) is the input.

Main arguments:

  • model: List of callable model (e.g. neural network) layers.
  • input: input to the model.

Other arguments:

  • skip_model: Optional skip connection model.


List with activity values of each layer.

jpc.init_activities_from_normal(key: PRNGKeyArray, layer_sizes: PyTree[int], mode: str, batch_size: int, sigma: Array = 0.05) -> PyTree[Array] ¤

Initialises network activities from a zero-mean Gaussian \(\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)\).

Main arguments:

  • key: jax.random.PRNGKey for sampling.
  • layer_sizes: List with dimension of all layers (input, hidden and output).
  • mode: If supervised, all hidden layers are initialised. If unsupervised the input layer \(\mathbf{z}_0\) is also initialised.
  • batch_size: Dimension of data batch.
  • sigma: Standard deviation for Gaussian to sample activities from. Defaults to 5e-2.


List of randomly initialised activities for each layer.

jpc.init_activities_with_amort(amortiser: PyTree[typing.Callable], generator: PyTree[typing.Callable], input: ArrayLike) -> PyTree[Array] ¤

Initialises layers' activity with an amortised network \(\{ f_{L-\ell+1}(\mathbf{z}_{L-\ell}) \}_{\ell=1}^L\) where \(\mathbf{z}_0 = \mathbf{y}\) is the input or generator's target.


The output order is reversed for downstream use by the generator.

Main arguments:

  • amortiser: List of callable layers for model amortising the inference of the generator.
  • generator: List of callable layers for the generative model.
  • input: Input to the amortiser.


List with amortised initialisation of each layer.